Cloudways vs Hostinger 2024

Recently updated on September 13th, 2024

If you’re looking for Cloudways vs Hostinger comparison, Cloudways stands out for its superior speed and performance and Hostinger stand out for it’s affordibility and begginer friendly web hosting.

Cloudways may cost you more, but it’s worth it because of its faster cloud hosting. With Cloudways, you have the option to choose from five different providers like Vultr High Frequency and DigitalOcean. Unlike Hostinger, Cloudways supports object cache, which helps speed up dynamic sites like WooCommerce. They use Redis Object Cache Pro, which is excellent for enhancing site speed. Additionally, Cloudways offers Cloudflare Enterprise, which comes with powerful features such as full-page caching, Argo Smart Routing, prioritized routing, and HTTP/3, all of which contribute to improving Time To First Byte (TTFB).

On the other hand, Hostinger has some ethical concerns. There have been reports of their employees writing fake reviews and engaging in deceptive practices to boost their reputation. Apart from ethical issues, Hostinger’s hosting plans may seem cheaper, but they offer fewer resources and use slower SATA SSDs. Their customer support is also not up to par, and they may not provide accurate information about network downtimes.

If you want to using Hostinger because of its affordability and LiteSpeed then you can go with them but if you want mors options, it’s worth considering other hosts like NameHero, ChemiCloud, or A2 Hosting, which offer better LiteSpeed hosting options without compromising on service quality.

Cloudways vs Hostinger


Cloudways is known for it’s outstanding perfomance as a cloud hosting at the other side Hosting is a begginer and budget friendly hosting if you just started your site then you can give them a site otherwise I recommended you to go with cloudways.
Hosting TypeCloudShared & CloudCloudways for performance, Hostinger for affordability and beginners
ServerApacheLiteSpeedHostinger for LiteSpeed advantages, Cloudways for flexibility and performance
StorageNVMe on Vultr High FrequencySATACloudways for faster storage
CDNCloudflare Enterprise (full-page caching, Argo Smart Routing, HTTP/3)QUIC.cloudCloudways for advanced CDN features
Cache PluginBreezeLiteSpeed CacheTie; depends on server configuration and needs
Object CacheRedis Object Cache ProNot supportedCloudways for object caching
Data Centers447Cloudways for global reach
UptimesExcellent (99.99%)Good but less reliable (99%)Cloudways for higher reliability
Email HostingNot providedAvailableHostinger for email hosting
SecurityGood (OS-level firewalls, DDoS protection, free SSL, 2FA, regular updates)Average (Recent security breach, LVE containers, WAF)Cloudways for enhanced security
SupportExcellent (24/7 live chat, phone, email, support tickets)Below average (24/7 live chat and tickets but slower response)Cloudways for better support
DashboardCustomCustom (hPanel)Tie; based on personal preference
PriceHigher, with discounts (pay-as-you-go model)Cheaper, with long-term trapsHostinger for initial affordability, Cloudways for flexible pricing
Facebook FeedbackPositiveBanned from some groupsCloudways for better reputation
TrustPilot Rating4.5/54.5/5 (possibly fake)Tie; take with a grain of salt
PerformanceExcellent (fast servers, scalability, superior speed)Good (cloud plan performs well, but overall less impressive)Cloudways for better performance
Core Web VitalsExcellent (green scores for FCP, LCP, CLS)Needs optimization (lower scores, more effort required)Cloudways for better Core Web Vitals
Price (Entry Plans)$11/month$9.99/monthHostinger for lower entry price
Customer Support ResponseFast and efficient (e.g., 30 minutes for email queries)Slower (can be delayed)Cloudways for quicker support
Data Centers Coverage44 data centers globally7 data centersCloudways for wider global coverage
OfferingsManaged cloud hosting (dedicated resources, no sharing)


Cloudways web hosting review | Tom's Guide

Shared, VPS, and Cloud hosting




Hostinger |

Hostinger for variety, Cloudways for specialized cloud hosting


  • Cloudways win in performance, scalability, support, security, and global data center coverage. It is ideal for users looking for high-speed cloud hosting with advanced features and better reliability.
  • Hostinger is more budget-friendly, offers a range of hosting types, and includes features like free email hosting. It is suitable for beginners and those on a tighter budget but may lack in performance and support compared to Cloudways.

For high performance and advanced features, Cloudways is the superior choice. For affordability and basic needs, Hostinger might be more appropriate.


Why you should choose Cloudways over Hostinger

  1. Fast Servers: With Cloudways, your site will load lightning-fast, providing visitors with an excellent user experience. This speed boost not only keeps your audience engaged but also helps improve your site’s search engine rankings.
  2. Scalability: As your website grows and attracts more visitors over the time, Cloudways can easily handle your site’s  increased traffic without any downtime. Their high-class PHP serversasure reliability and stability even during traffic spikes so your site being live always with them.
  3. Excellent Support: Cloudways offers top-notch support,as they have knowledgeable professionals ready to assist you at any time.whenever you are facing technical issues or need guidance, their live chat support is there to help you every step of your blogging journey.
  4. Great Security: Security is supreme with Cloudways, they use OS-level firewalls, DDoS protection, free SSL certificates, automatic backups, two-factor authentication, regular security patches, and bot protection to protect your site. Your website’s safety is cloudways’s first priority.
  5. Autonomous Plan for Traffic Spikes: Cloudways’ Autonomous plan is specifically designed to handle sudden increases in website traffic, ensuring your site remains responsive and available to visitors.
  6. Flexible Cloud Server Options: Cloudways provide you many option of cloud servers to choose from,targeting to both standard and premium requirements, asuring you have all the resources you need to support your website’s growth.
  7. Transparent Pricing: With Cloudways you don’t need to pay for unused resources, you only pay for the resources you use, thanks to their pay-as-you-go pricing model. Plus, their monthly plans minimise the stress of renewal headaches commonly happend with other hosting providers.
  8. No Installation Restrictions: Unlike Hostinger, Cloudways allows you to install an unlimited number of sites across a range of storage options, from 20GB to 3840GB. There are no arbitrary restrictions holding you back.

In summary, Cloudways offers superior speed, scalability, support, security, flexibility, transparent pricing, and installation freedom compared to Hostinger, making it the clear choice for your hosting needs.

Cloudways web hosting review | Tom's Guide


Why you should choose Hostinger over Cloudways


Hostinger stands out due to these reasons:

  1. Free Domain and Email Accounts: Unlike Cloudways, Hostinger offers a free complimentary domain registration and email accounts, which is a better option for those starting their online presence.
  2. VPS Hosting with Full Control: Hostinger provides VPS hosting for both Linux and Windows with complete root access and a dedicated IP address.This type of control is best for users who want specific control for their projects.
  3. Premium Shared Hosting at Affordable Prices: Hostinger’s shared hosting service is famous for its quality and affordability,this will make Hostinger an excellent choice for business, startups and beginners who just step into the blogging world. It offers robust features without breaking the bank.
  4. Good perfomance for new sites – as I already mention that Hostinger can be the best option for the users who kust starting there website or blog as Hostinger provide best perfomance for growing site

Hostinger |

POV – While Hostinger can be a suitable option for those looking for affordability and specific features like free domain and email accounts, Cloudways’ make a win for the users who want superior performance, scalability, support, security, and flexibility make it the best choice for many website owners looking for reliable hosting services.


 Cloudways Vs Hostinger Speed test


Testing the performance of different hosting plans is a wise move. Load testing on Cloudways’ $11 plan, Hostinger’s shared plan, and Hostinger’s Cloud hosting plan will help you compare how they handle concurrent visits. This data will guide you in choosing the best hosting option for your website based on response time, server stability, and overall user experience.


During testing, the Hostinger shared hosting server experienced downtime when subjected to the same load as the Cloudways $11 plan. However, the Hostinger cloud hosting server handled the load without issues. Despite this, metrics like Time To Byte (TBT) and ping time indicated better performance with Cloudways compared to Hostinger’s cloud hosting plan.



Winner –Cloudways web hosting review | Tom's Guide




Cloudways boasts hosting services with some of the world’s largest infrastructure providers, ensuring top-notch reliability. With a commitment to managing 99.99% server uptime, they’ve maintained a stellar track record. In our experience of utilizing DigitalOcean servers for the past five years, we haven’t encountered any server downtime issues. Our blog’s uptime performance has consistently been at 100%, providing site owners with the continuous site availability they’ve always desired.


With Cloudways, servers are launched on dedicated resources, ensuring website stability and eliminating concerns about crashes. Their auto-healing capability guarantees uninterrupted site operation at all times. Additionally, their managed cloud servers are PHP 7.3 ready, optimizing performance and giving you an edge in the SEO game.

On the other hand, Hostinger offers a 99% uptime, which is decent but lower than Cloudways. We’ve utilized Hostinger servers for our moderate-traffic niche blogs for a couple of years. While they’ve served us adequately, we have encountered occasional server downtime issues, which, although frustrating, were manageable since these blogs aren’t our primary focus.



Hostinger fake uptime status page

When comparing Cloudways and Hostinger’s uptimes, it’s essential to consider that Cloudways doesn’t own their servers; they rely on providers like DigitalOcean, Vultr, or Google Cloud. Among these, DigitalOcean typically boasts better uptimes than Vultr. However, both are more reliable than Hostinger’s servers, which frequently experience multiple reports of downtime, as seen on websites like In this aspect, Cloudways emerges as the winner.








Core Web Vitals


Google’s announcement in May 2020 “Core Web Vitals” as a ranking factor in search engine results, now they using it in there ranking factors since May 2022. To ensure your website performs well in these metrics, your hosting server’s response time is important.

look at the screenshot mention below i tested cloudways hosted site results from Google PageSpeed Insights for the Core Web Vitals, WPGlossy, hosted on Cloudways’ DigitalOcean server. as you can see that the values for First Contentful Paint (FCP), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), and Speed Index are all displayed in green, which show that your site has excellent performance.


asuring optimal Core Web Vitals scores is important for website performance and search engine rankings. let’s review the Core Web Vitals score for one of our niche blogs hosted on the Hostinger cloud server, we ran a test and found that the results are not as good as we think. There’s definetly need for to much optimization efforts to improve metrics like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Contentful Paint (FCP), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) factors. These optimization tasks are important to increase user experience and overall website performance.



Winner –Cloudways web hosting review | Tom's Guide

website Security

Both Cloudways and Hostinger provide great security features, but their approaches and the extent of their security measures can be diffrent due to their different hosting models and target audiences.

Cloudways Seurity Features:

  1. Managed Security:
    • Web Application Firewall (WAF): Cloudwaysptovide there users a built-in WAF that helps to block malicious traffic and protect against common threats.
    • Regular Security Patches: The platform handles updates and patches for the underlying infrastructure, asuring that any vulnerabilities are quickly addressed.
  2. Server-Level Security:
    • Dedicated Firewall: Cloudways provides a dedicated firewall for each server, offering protection against various types of attacks.
    • SSH and SFTP Access: Secure access methods are available for more controlled and safe file transfers and server management.
  3. SSL Certificates:
    • Free SSL Certificates: Cloudways offer free SSL certificates to there users powered by Let’s Encrypt, which converting it into a code to data transferred between the server and the user’s browser on your site.
  4. Automated Backups:
    • Backup Solutions: Cloudways offer there users automated backups option and one-click restore options to help recover data of your site in a case of an emergency.
  5. Platform-Level Security:
    • Monitoring and Alerts: The platform includes security monitoring to detect and alert you to potential issues.
  6. Regular Security Audits:
    • Proactive Measures: Cloudways performs regular security audits to identify and fix vulnerabilities.

Hostinger Security Features:

  1. Basic Security Features:
    • Free SSL Certificates: Hostinger offer free SSL certificates on your site to secure data transmission.
    • Daily Backups: Daily backups are available,but if you want an option for more frequent backups on higher plans.
  2. Server Security:
    • In-House Firewall: Hostinger uses its own firewall to protect against attacks.
    • DDoS Protection: Hostinger use DDoS protection To reduce the impact of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.
  3. Security Monitoring:
    • Monitoring Tools: Hostinger offers tools for monitoring server activity and potential security threats.
  4. Account Protection:
    • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): For added security, Hostinger supports 2FA for account login on there platform.
  5. Regular Updates:
    • Software Updates: Hostinger keeps its server software and platforms up-to-date with the latest security patches.
  6. Security Audits:
    • Periodic Reviews: Hostinger performs regular security reviews and updates to maintain a secure environment.

Comparison Summary:

  • Cloudways: Focuses heavily on managed security with advanced features like dedicated firewalls, a web application firewall, and in-depth monitoring. It is well-suited for users who need robust security and are comfortable with managed services.
  • Hostinger: Offers essential security features with a focus on affordability and basic protection.which offer SSL certificates, daily backups, and DDoS protection, making it suitable for users who want a balance between cost and security.

In general, if you prioritize advanced security features and a managed approach, Cloudways might be the better choice. If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option with decent security features, Hostinger could be a suitable option.

Winner –Cloudways web hosting review | Tom's Guide

 Pricing and plan


If you’re running a new or small business website that doesn’t get a ton of traffic (think a few hundred visitors daily, not thousands), Cloudways has a starting plan priced at $11.


On the other side, Hostinger offers a cloud plan starting at $9.99. This let you host up to 300 websites and offer  3 GB of RAM, 200 GB of SSD storage, and 2 CPU cores which is sufficient for you site.


Cloudways offers flexible billing options, as they have monthly and hourly plans, without requiring users to opt for annual, two-year, or three-year contracts. They follow a pay-as-you-go model, which let there users to pay only for the resources they use on there site.

In the otherside, if you go with Hostinger then there users need to subscribe for a year or longer to access some discounts on there bill. 

Customer support

Cloudways and Hostinger both provide user-friendly and best Customer support with best resources like FAQs, knowledge bases, and informative blogs. but, if we talk about customer support, there’s a big difference.

Hostinger provide there users 24/7 support by live chat and support tickets to solve there technical issues soon. and their representatives are knowledgeable also, the live chat can sometimes take a long time to connect, and responses aren’t always immediate and sometimes they can take a entire day to respond on your question.

Hostinger's live chat

On the other hand, Cloudways also provide there users a round-the-clock customer support, with live chat exclusively for paying customers. Additionally, they provide many support packages for targeting different needs. Even there non-customers can reach them via phone, email, or support tickets. by my experience, Cloudways responded quicly to an email query within just thirty minutes, which show their efficiency.

Cloudways email support

Both hosts are supportive, but Cloudways’ responsiveness makes it a more reliable option for obtaining assistance compared to Hostinger.

Winner –Cloudways web hosting review | Tom's Guide

Data Centers – Cloudways’ Global Reach Surpasses Competitors


Hostinger operates with only 7 data centers, whereas Cloudways boasts a network of 44. Even when comparing Vultr and DigitalOcean, Cloudways offers a total of 22 data centers. The proximity of your chosen data center to your website visitors significantly affects TTFB (Time To First Byte), unless you’re leveraging a CDN with comprehensive caching features. The diverse range of data centers across DigitalOcean, Vultr, and other cloud providers affiliated with Cloudways allows for tailored selections based on geographic proximity, enhancing overall website performance.

Cloudways Data CentersHostinger Data Centers
San Francisco, USAUnited States
New York, USABrazil
Silicon Valley, USAUnited Kingdom
Paris, FranceIndonesia
Frankfurt, GermanySingapore
Singapore, SingaporeLithuania
Dublin, IrelandNetherlands
London, England
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Toronto, Canada
Montreal, Canada
Fermont, Canada
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Netherland, Netherlands
Hong Kong, China
Tokyo, Japan
Miami, USA
Seoul, Korea
Bangalore, India
Mumbai, India
Northern California, USA
Northern Virginia, USA
Northern Carolina, USA
Los Angeles, USA
Seattle, USA
Sydney, Australia
Ohio, USA
Dallas, USA
Stockholm, Sweden
Chicago, USA
Belgium, Belgium
Newark, USA
Oregon, USA
Atlanta, USA
Iowa, USA
Taiwan, China
Bahrain, Bahrain

In terms of data centers, Cloudways’ extensive network provides a wider geographical reach compared to Hostinger, potentially allowing for better latency and improved performance for visitors worldwide.



Cloudways specializes in delivering top-notch Cloud Managed hosting, excelling in providing dedicated resources to each account without sharing server resources with neighboring accounts. Unlike traditional shared or VPS hosting, Cloudways stands out with its unique approach.

In contrast, Hostinger offers a wide array of hosting services including shared hosting, WordPress hosting, VPS hosting, email hosting, Minecraft hosting, and Cloud hosting. Additionally, Hostinger provides web hosting plan and web design services available in three packages.

Winner – Hostinger

Cloudways vs Hostinger – Backup option


Cloudways Backup Options:

  • Automatic Backups: Daily backups with default retention of 3 days; customizable based on cloud provider.
  • Manual Backups: Easily created anytime via the control panel.
  • Backup Storage: Stored on cloud provider’s infrastructure; duration depends on provider.
  • Restoration: Simple via the Cloudways control panel.
  • Additional Services: Customizable backup frequency and retention based on cloud provider options.

Hostinger Backup Options:

  • Automatic Backups: Included with hosting plans; frequency varies, with more frequent backups available on higher-tier plans.
  • Manual Backups: Available through the control panel.
  • Backup Storage: Stored on Hostinger’s servers; retention varies by plan.
  • Restoration: User-friendly via the control panel.
  • Additional Services: Paid add-ons for more frequent backups and extended storage.


Cloudways offers flexible, cloud-based backup solutions with customizable retention and frequency. Hostinger provides robust backup options included in plans, with additional paid services for enhanced features.

Cloudways vs Hostinger – Conclusion

Cloudways outshines Hostinger with superior speed, performance, and customer support. Cloudways offers faster cloud hosting, flexible billing, and exceptional responsiveness, making it worth the investment. Meanwhile, Hostinger, although more affordable, raises ethical concerns and lacks the performance and support quality of Cloudways. Ultimately, Cloudways emerges as the preferred choice for reliable, high-performance hosting services.

Hosting TypeCloudShared
StorageNVMe on Vultr HFSATA
Cache PluginBreezeLiteSpeed Cache
Object CacheRedis Object Cache ProNot supported
Data Centers447
Email HostingNot providedAvailable
SecurityAverageRecent security breach
SupportGoodBelow average
DashboardCustomCustom (hPanel)
PriceHigher, with discountsCheaper, but long-term traps
Facebook FeedbackPositiveBanned from some groups
TrustPilot Rating4.5/54.5/5 (possibly fake)




Cloudways web hosting review | Tom's Guide



Hostinger |

Cloudways vs Hostinger – Alternatives 

  1. GreenGeeks


    Overview: GreenGeeks is an environmentally conscious web hosting platform focusing on speed, security, and scalability. They prioritize renewable energy, putting back three times the power they consume into eco-friendly initiatives.


    • Lite Plan: $2.95/month
      • 1 Website
      • 50GB Web Space
      • Unmetered Transfer
      • 50 E-mail Accounts
      • Free SSL Certificate
      • Free Domain Name
    • Pro Plan: $4.95/month
      • Unlimited Websites
      • Unlimited Web Space
      • Unmetered Transfer
      • Unlimited Emails
      • Free SSL Certificate
      • Free Domain Name
      • Multi-user Access
      • On-demand Backups
      • WordPress Repair Tool
    • Premium Plan: $8.95/month
      • Unlimited Websites and storage
      • Unmetered Transfer
      • Unlimited Email Accounts
      • Free SSL Certificate
      • Free Domain Name
      • Multi-user Access
      • On-demand Backups
      • WordPress Repair Tool
      • Free Dedicated IP
      • Free AlphaSSL ($99/yr value)
      • Object Caching


    • Free domain name registration or transfer for the first year
    • Personalized email addresses with all hosting plans
    • Environmentally friendly hosting solution
    • Free daily backups with all plans
    • Free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate
    • Enterprise-level firewall & DDoS Protection
    • Latest Caching Technologies for faster page loading times
    • Free CDN Integration
    • Free Malware Cleanups
    • Data centers located in the United States, Canada, Europe & Asia-Pacific


    • Basic plan has limited features compared to higher-tier plans

    Money-Back Guarantee: All GreenGeeks plans include a 30-day money-back guarantee.

  2. A2 Hosting Overview

    a2 hosting

    A2 Hosting may not have the same level of fame as Bluehost or Hostinger, but it has gained significant popularity recently. Offering excellent performance at reasonable prices, A2 Hosting stands out with its unmatched refund policy.


    • Shared plans starting at $2.99/month, comparable to Bluehost and GreenGeeks.
    • Basic plan includes free website migration, cPanel, unlimited SSD storage, free Cloudflare CDN account, and SSL certificate.
    • Higher-tier packages offer additional features like unlimited databases, email accounts, Cloudflare Railgun, and A2 site accelerator.
    • Options for Managed WordPress, VPS, dedicated server, and reseller hosting plans.
    • Notable features include free SSL, automatic backups, 99.9% uptime guarantee, optimized for WordPress, Drupal & Joomla, 1-click website staging, and 24/7 expert support.

    Why Choose A2 Hosting Over Bluehost?

    1. SwiftServer Platform and Turbo Servers: A2 Hosting utilizes the SwiftServer platform for speed and performance, with Turbo servers available for even faster hosting speeds.
    2. Anytime Money-Back Guarantee: A2 Hosting offers an “Anytime Money-Back Guarantee,” providing flexibility and a risk-free trial period for users.
    3. Free Website Migrations: A2 Hosting offers free website migrations with all plans, simplifying the process of transferring existing websites.

    Pros and Cons


    • Easy WordPress installation without coding.
    • Upgraded to the latest PHP.
    • Free Let’s Encrypt SSL.
    • Free website migration.
    • Free SSD storage.
    • Multiple server locations.
    • Affordable pricing tiers and low renewal fees.
    • Great customer support team.


    • Some restrictions on the cheapest hosting plan.


    1. Startup Plan: $2.99/month – Includes 1 website, 100 GB SSD storage, and free website migration.
    2. Drive Plan: $5.99/month – Unlimited websites, unlimited SSD storage, free website migration, and free automatic backups.
    3. Turbo Boost Plan: $6.99/month – 20x faster Turbo Servers, unlimited websites, unlimited NVMe storage, free website migration, and free automatic backups.
    4. Turbo Max Plan: $14.99/month – 5x more resources, Turbo Servers, unlimited websites, unlimited NVMe storage, free website migration, and free automatic backups.

    A2 Hosting offers a range of hosting options with competitive pricing and features, making it a strong alternative to Bluehost and GreenGeeks.

    BUY A2 Hosting


    Meet the New ChemiCloud – Fresh Look, Updated Plans, and More

    Overview: ChemiCloud stands out for its excellent performance, offering a user-friendly website builder, advanced technology, strong security, fast connections, minimal delays, and various freebies and discounts. With a wider range of hosting features compared to Bluehost, ChemiCloud provides better value for your money.


    • Free domain name
    • Automated backups
    • Free SSL certification
    • Reliable email service
    • One-click app installs
    • Free CDN
    • Fast SSD storage
    • Free website migration

    Why Choose ChemiCloud over Bluehost:

    1. Performance and Speed:
      • ChemiCloud utilizes SSD-based storage, LiteSpeed web servers, and a global Content Delivery Network (CDN), resulting in faster loading times for your websites.
    2. Free Daily Backups:
      • All ChemiCloud hosting plans include free daily backups, ensuring data protection and simplifying the backup process, while Bluehost offers free backup only for 1 year.
    3. Responsive Customer Support:
      • ChemiCloud offers better responsive customer support through live chat, tickets, and a knowledge base.


    • Free domain registration
    • Multiple global data centers for enhanced performance
    • Impressive 99.99% uptime guarantee
    • Complimentary SSL encryption (HTTPS)
    • Generous 45-day money-back guarantee


    • Limited SSD storage in all plans


    1. Starter:
      • $2.95/month
      • Install 1 website
      • 20 GB NVME disk space
      • Unlimited bandwidth
      • 10 days free backup
      • 1 core CPU
      • 1 GB RAM
    2. Pro:
      • $3.95/month
      • Install unlimited websites
      • 30 GB NVME disk space
      • Unlimited bandwidth
      • 20 days free backup
      • 2 core CPU
      • 2 GB RAM
    3. Turbo:
      • $4.95/month
      • Install unlimited websites
      • 40 GB NVME disk space
      • Unlimited bandwidth
      • 30 days free backup
      • 3 core CPU
      • 3 GB RAM
  3. Kinsta:
    • Specializes in premium managed WordPress hosting.
    • Provides expert support and utilizes VPS-like hosting technology.
    • Plans starting from $30.00 with SSD storage options.
  4. FastComet:
    • Boasts fast servers with global data centers and free backups.
    • Provides a user-friendly site builder and helpful customer support.
    • Plans starting from $1.79 with NVMe storage options.

Each hosting provider offers unique features and pricing plans tailored to different needs and preferences.

Cloudways vs Hostinger – Alternatives

Introduction to NameHero

Namehero Review: Reliable Hosting For WordPress Site?

NameHero is a affordable yet rich feature web hosting,they  prioritize speed, security, and reliable customer support on first place. Namehero founded in 2015, NameHero has gained popularity for its innovative use of LiteSpeed servers and commitment to providing top-notch features at competitive prices.

Feature List

  • LiteSpeed Web Server for enhanced website speed and performance.
  • Free Cloudflare CDN integration for improved global loading times.
  • Free SSL certificates included with all hosting plans.
  • Automatic daily backups with free restoration options.
  • Staging environment on all plans for testing website changes safely.
  • Advanced security measures including real-time malware scanning and AI threat detection.
  • NVMe storage on higher-tier plans for faster data access.
  • 24/7 expert support via live chat, phone, and tickets.
  • cPanel control panel for easy management of websites and hosting settings.
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee to ensure your websites are always accessible.

Pros and Cons


  • Namehero has Affordable pricing plans, starting as low as $2.86 per month.
  • Excellent performance with LiteSpeed servers and NVMe storage options.
  • Free domain registration on Turbo and Business plans for two years or more.
  • Comprehensive security features included at no extra cost.
  • Flexible and scalable hosting solutions suitable for various business needs.


  • Limited data center locations compared to some competitors.
  • Introductory pricing for the first term, with higher renewal rates.

All Plan Pricing Features

Starter Cloud:

  • Price: $2.86/month
  • Host 1 Website
  • Free Domain Registration for 1 Year (Turbo and Business plans)
  • Unlimited SSD Storage
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • LiteSpeed Web Server
  • Cloudflare CDN
  • Automatic Daily Backups
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • 24/7 Expert Support
  • cPanel Control Panel

Plus Cloud:

  • Price: $4.69/month
  • Host Unlimited Websites
  • Free Domain Registration for 1 Year (Turbo and Business plans)
  • Unlimited SSD Storage
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • LiteSpeed Web Server
  • Cloudflare CDN
  • Automatic Daily Backups
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • 24/7 Expert Support
  • cPanel Control Panel
  • Staging Environment

Turbo Cloud:

  • Price: $5.89/month
  • Host Unlimited Websites
  • Free Domain Registration for 2 Years
  • Unlimited NVMe Storage
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • LiteSpeed Web Server
  • Cloudflare CDN
  • Automatic Daily Backups
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • 24/7 Expert Support
  • cPanel Control Panel
  • Staging Environment
  • Priority Support

Why Choose NameHero?

NameHero can be an ideal choice for individuals bloggers and businesses looking for reliable, fast, and secure web hosting. Here’s how NameHero can help you:

  • Performance: Utilizing LiteSpeed servers and NVMe storage ensures fast website loading times, crucial for user experience and SEO.
  • Security: Advanced security features like free SSL certificates, automated malware scanning, and AI threat detection protect your website and data.
  • Support: Access to 24/7 expert support ensures that any issues or questions are resolved promptly, maintaining your online presence without interruption.
  • Scalability: With scalable hosting plans, from basic to enterprise-level needs, NameHero can grow with your business, accommodating increased traffic and resource requirements.
  • Ease of Use: The intuitive cPanel control panel makes it easy to manage your websites, domains, and hosting settings, even for beginners.

if you Choosing NameHero means choosing a hosting provider committed to delivering high-performance solutions with top-notch security and support, all at competitive and affordable prices.

2. Hostinger

Hostinger review (2024): Pros, cons and features tested | TechRadar


Hostinger is a budget-friendly and feature web hosting provider they offer many web hosting option, As they offer shared, WordPress, VPS, Minecraft, and cloud hosting. Hostinger make himself a best web host for its affordability and feature-rich plans, Hostinger is suitable for beginners and those looking for value on a budget. a web host who is affordable pricing but will never compromise with there services


  • Single Plan: $1.79/month
    • 1 Website
    • 50 GB SSD Storage
    • Free Weekly Backups
    • 1 Email Account
    • Unlimited Free SSL
    • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Premium Plan: $2.69/month
    • 100 Websites
    • 100 GB SSD Storage
    • Weekly Backups
    • Free Email
    • Unlimited Free SSL
    • Unlimited Bandwidth
    • Free Domain ($9.99 value)
  • Business Plan: $3.59/month
    • 100 Websites
    • Up to 5x Performance
    • 200 GB NVMe Storage
    • Daily Backups
    • Free Email
    • Unlimited Free SSL
    • Unlimited Bandwidth
    • Free Domain
    • Free CDN
  • Cloud Startup Plan: $8.99/month
    • 300 Websites
    • Up to 10x Performance
    • 200 GB NVMe Storage
    • Daily Backups
    • Free Email
    • Unlimited Free SSL
    • Unlimited Bandwidth
    • Free Domain
    • Free CDN
    • Dedicated IP Address


  • Excellent value for money starting at just $1.79 per month
  • Fast loading times with SSD storage and LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress
  • High uptime rates with a 99.99% uptime guarantee
  • Helpful customer support
  • Free Automatic Website Migration with all plans
  • Free 1-click WordPress Installation
  • Free website backups
  • Unlimited Free SSL
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Free Email
  • Free Domain
  • Free CDN


  • Limited hosting features on lower-tier plans (free domain not provided with the basic plan)

Money-Back Guarantee: Hostinger offers there users a 30-day money-back guarantee on all plans so the users can test there services risk free.

Why Choose Hostinger

If you’re looking for an affordable yet feature-packed web hosting, Hostinger stands out as a best choice. there starting plan starting just at just $1.79 per month, Hostinger offers value for money, particularly for beginners and budget-conscious users. Here’s why Hostinger should be on your web hosting list:

  1. Affordability: Hostinger’s affordable starting price makes Hostinger an attractive option for individual bloggers and small businesses looking to reduce costs without compromising on essential features.
  2. Feature-Rich Plans: Even at its base level plans, Hostinger provide 50 GB SSD storage, unlimited bandwidth, and free SSL certificates. but if you Upgrading to higher tiers plan it will  unlocks even more benefits, including daily backups, increased storage, and performance boosts.
  3. Performance and Reliability: With SSD storage and LiteSpeed Cache, Hostinger ensures fast loading speed. The 99.99% uptime guarantee further underscores its reliability that they make your site live always. excellent Support: Hostinger’s customer support is recognize for being helpful and responsive, as someone stand behind you always to solve your technical errors on your site
  4. Free Extras: All plans include free automatic website migration, 1-click WordPress installation, unlimited free SSL certificates, and unlimited bandwidth. and if you opt for a higher-tier plans then they also offer a free domain, CDN, and dedicated IP address, adding more value in it services.
  5. Money-Back Guarantee: With a 30-day money-back guarantee, Hostinger allows you to test their services risk-free, ensuring you can make an informed decision without financial commitment.



Meet the New ChemiCloud – Fresh Look, Updated Plans, and More

Overview: ChemiCloud stands out for its excellent performance, offering a user-friendly website builder, advanced technology, strong security, fast connections, minimal delays, and various freebies and discounts. With a wider range of hosting features compared to Bluehost, ChemiCloud provides better value for your money.


  • Free domain name
  • Automated backups
  • Free SSL certification
  • Reliable email service
  • One-click app installs
  • Free CDN
  • Fast SSD storage
  • Free website migration

Why Choose ChemiCloud over Bluehost:

  1. Performance and Speed:
    • ChemiCloud utilizes SSD-based storage, LiteSpeed web servers, and a global Content Delivery Network (CDN), resulting in faster loading times for your websites.
  2. Free Daily Backups:
    • All ChemiCloud hosting plans include free daily backups, ensuring data protection and simplifying the backup process, while Bluehost offers free backup only for 1 year.
  3. Responsive Customer Support:
    • ChemiCloud offers better responsive customer support through live chat, tickets, and a knowledge base.


  • Free domain registration
  • Multiple global data centers for enhanced performance
  • Impressive 99.99% uptime guarantee
  • Complimentary SSL encryption (HTTPS)
  • Generous 45-day money-back guarantee


  • Limited SSD storage in all plans


  1. Starter:
    • $2.95/month
    • Install 1 website
    • 20 GB NVME disk space
    • Unlimited bandwidth
    • 10 days free backup
    • 1 core CPU
    • 1 GB RAM
  2. Pro:
    • $3.95/month
    • Install unlimited websites
    • 30 GB NVME disk space
    • Unlimited bandwidth
    • 20 days free backup
    • 2 core CPU
    • 2 GB RAM
  3. Turbo:
    • $4.95/month
    • Install unlimited websites
    • 40 GB NVME disk space
    • Unlimited bandwidth
    • 30 days free backup
    • 3 core CPU
    • 3 GB RAM

Why Choose ChemiCloud

Look Choosing a web hosting for your site should be done carefully, ChemiCloud offers a top-notch features and benefits that make it a strong web hosting to be on your web hosting list. Here’s why ChemiCloud might be the right choice for your hosting needs:

  1. Superior Performance and Speed: ChemiCloud use SSD-based storage, LiteSpeed web servers, and a global Content Delivery Network (CDN) to ensure super-fast loading times. and do you know that the performance play a crucial rule for enhancing user experience and improving your site’s search engine rankings.
  2. top-notch Backups: Unlike some competitors, ChemiCloud includes free daily backups across all plans, providing extra peace of mind with excellent data protection. This ensures that your website data is consistently safeguarded and can be easily restored in case of any issues.
  3. Responsive Customer Support: ChemiCloud has one of the best responsive customer support, You can reach out them by multiple channels including live chat, ticketing, and a detailed knowledge base. This level of support is essential for resolving issues fastly and ensure that your site run smoothly.
  4. Generous Money-Back Guarantee: ChemiCloud offers an long 45-day money-back guarantee, allowing you sufficient time to test their services and ensure they meet your needs without the risk of financial loss.
  5. increased Security and Extras: With a free SSL certification, a free domain name, and free website migration included, ChemiCloud ensures that you start with a secure and smoothly integrated setup. The inclusion of a free CDN further enhances performance and security by distributing content globally.
  6. Affordable and Scalable Plans: there starting plan start at just $2.95 per month, ChemiCloud’s pricing is affordable and offers a range of plans to target various web hosting needs. Whether you’re running a single website or multiple sites, there’s a plan that fits your requirements, with generous features and resources even at the entry level.
  7. Global Data Centers: They have multiple global data centers contributes to ChemiCloud’s excellent 99.99% uptime guarantee, ensuring that your website remains accessible and reliable from anywhere in the world.


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